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Make a donation

Make a donation to the registered Elder-Help Community Centres Incorporated. choose from the following options: 

1. Bank Transfer Member - Donations
BSB:  036-037  
Account:    613913

Name: Elder-Help Community Centres Incorporated. 

2. Bank Transfer - Grants

BSB:  036-037  
Account:    613921
Name: Elder-Help Community Centres Incorporated. 


3. Provide a Cheque to our volunteers or associates written out to: Elder-Help Community Centres Inc. 


4. Bequeath property in your Will.

Will Wording Appreciation and Recognition

If you have chosen to include The Elder-Help Community Centres Incorporated. in your Will, please let us know you have done this by emailing

We do not need to know what you have done, but would like to know you have done this, as we would love to thank you personally.
And, because we truly value your partnering with us to help make Australia a better place for future generations we want you to feel appreciated and part of what we are doing.


Suggested Will Wording

I GIVE free of all duties to the Elder-Help Community Centers Incorporated.  ABN 196 779 36 134 the sum of $ .........................………   OR

                [the residue of my estate]    OR 

               [ % of the residue of my estate]        OR

               [my …........................................……………]

                                             (specify property)

We recommend you engage a professional to draft your Will to ensure it is executed properly. 


© 2023 Elder-Help Community Centres Incorporated,  ABN 19 677 936 134   ASIC Incorporation number: A1044500B     Contact us:    08 6119 9933   |   

The Elder-Help Community Centres wish to respectfully acknowledge and honour the Aboriginal people, who have lived on and cared for this land for tens of thousands of years as the traditional custodians of the land on which the Elder-Help Community Centres operates from in Western Australia. We recognize their deep and continuing connection to this land, their rich culture, and the importance of their ongoing contribution to the community. We pay our respects to Elders past, present, and emerging, and acknowledge the importance of their knowledge, wisdom, and ongoing leadership. We also recognize the importance of caring for the land and maintaining its ecological integrity, and commit to working towards reconciliation and healing between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples.

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