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We have 2 levels of memberships

Individual Membership $50/Per Year

Membership as an individual. Must be a Australian Permanent Resident or Australian Citizen. Individual member benefits

Social Media

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn

Please make a donation

Deposit to: EHCCWA Inc.
BSB: 036 037
Account: 613913
Ref: Lastname Firstname
Amount: $50.00

Membership form submitted, we will review and send notification of your approval shortly.

Associate Membership $199/PA

Social Media

We look forward working with our associations throughout the year.
Associate member benefits

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn

Please make a donation.

Deposit to: EHCCWA Inc.
BSB: 036 037
Account: 613913
Ref: Company / Business / Entity name
Amount: $199.00

Membership form submitted, we will review and send notification of your approval shortly.

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